
Want to earn extra money for sharing your opinion? Become a member of PermissionResearch and get a $10 virtual Visa gift card just for signing up.

PermissionResearch, a division of Comscore, pays members to install software that anonymously tracks internet activity. Data collected through the software allows PermissionResearch to gain insights into online trends.

As a new member, you’ll receive a $10 gift card bonus. You’ll also earn $10 per month as long as the software remains installed on your desktop computer.

Additional earning opportunities include paid online surveys on hot topics. PermissionResearch may invite members to provide feedback via exclusive surveys.

Joining is completely free and open to desktop users in the U.S. The PermissionResearch software runs passively in the background without impacting computer performance. Members can easily uninstall at any time.

If you want to earn rewards for sharing your opinion, become a PermissionResearch panelist. Sign up today to claim your $10 gift card welcome bonus!

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