
For a very limited time, adidas is offering their iconic Superstar shoes for men at a massive discount down to just $30.36. Typically these classic sneakers retail for $110, so this hot deal saves you over 70% or nearly $80 off.

As part of their latest sale, multiple colorways of the legendary shell toe adidas Superstars are marked down to the ultra-low price of $30 and change. Some of the most popular on sale include:

– Collegiate Green/Crew Yellow/Cloud White model for just $30
– Aluminum/Off White version discounted to only $30
– Bright Blue/Red/Cloud White pair for merely $30

These are men’s sizes ranging from 5 all the way up to 14 so there should be a fit for virtually every guy out there who wants to score some vintage adidas style. And adiClub members get free shipping too making this sale even sweeter.

The Superstar first broke onto the scene over 50 years ago and remains an iconic sneaker even today. So do like Run DMC and shell out $30 to rock these classic adidas shoes all day during this blowout limited-time sale. Over 70% off is quite a steal to gain some street cred while supplies last.

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