
Right now, Publix is offering shoppers a chance to try Explore Cuisine’s organic pasta free with their latest cash back rebate deal. You can score either an 8oz box of edamame and mung bean fettuccine or black bean spaghetti, a $5.29 value, absolutely free after rebate!

Explore Cuisine makes innovative grain-free and gluten-free pastas using beans, lentils, chickpeas and veggies instead of wheat. Their organic edamame fettuccine and black bean spaghetti are packed with plant-based protein, fiber and nutrients without any artificial ingredients.

To take advantage of the deal:

1. Sign up with your email address at the Publix website
2. Purchase a box of eligible Explore Cuisine pasta
3. Submit your receipt to get a cash back rebate matching the price

With this offer, you’ll get to try a popular better-for-you pasta brand that normally retails for $5+ per box absolutely free. See if you love the real veggie flavor and al dente texture as much as thousands of healthy shoppers. But act quick, supplies are limited!

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