
Attention dog owners! Here’s your chance to receive FREE TevraPet Hemp Helpers Dog Collars or Topical Tubes. Join our upcoming sampling and feedback program and try one of our effective hemp products for your furry companion. Simply click “Apply Now” and complete the form to be considered.

By applying, you’ll have the opportunity to try one of the following Hemp Helpers products:

  • Hemp Helpers Topical for Dogs – Hemp-infused to reduce anxiety & stress, improve joints & mobility, and enhance hydration for skin & fur
  • Hemp Helpers Collar for Dogs – Hemp-infused to reduce anxiety & stress all month long, and soothe arthritis and inflammation pain

If you’re eager to try one of these products for free and provide valuable feedback to assist other dog owners, share more about your dog(s) in the form below. Hurry, as supplies are limited!

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