Got a great name for a baby cow? Enter Stonyfield’s Name a Calf Sweepstakes by October 26, 2023 for a chance to win a year’s supply of yogurt and a $500 Whole Foods gift card!
Submit your best calf name idea on Stonyfield’s website. Five lucky winners will receive 52 coupons for free 32oz Stonyfield yogurt (a $260 value) plus a $500 Whole Foods gift card.
In addition to the prizes, the winning calf name will be given to one of the baby cows at Stonyfield’s family-owned organic farm. Participants get to have fun naming a real calf while also entering for amazing rewards!
Don’t miss this opportunity to win free organic yogurt for a year and $500 to spend on even more healthy groceries from Whole Foods Market. Get your calf name idea in by October 26, 2023 to be entered in Stonyfield’s tasty sweepstakes today!